Born in 1971 , Architect, graduated from College Architecture in Venice (IUAV ) , in 1996, immediately turned to the housing market , practicing at a major Firm of architectural design and urban planning, and living in the middle of the opportunities offered by the wake that the economic boom still handed out in the construction field . In 2001 she became partner of the same architectural Firm , and goes on, until 2010, working assiduously in the field of residential design , gaining experience fortnightly even in planning and developing various projects both in residential small size (from restructuring of the single apartment in the design and construction of single-family homes ) and in the expansion of the building ( multi-family complexes and urban design ) .
The experience of the firm gives high level of professional mastery of the bureaucratic machine to 360 degrees and compositional own building which, unfortunately, is not pure architectural design aimed at developing the sites of well-being and comfort of living , but must necessarily collide and to compromise with the interests at stake by manufacturers , interested in maximizing profit, by public administrations interested in pursuing regulations at times and often at the expense of good architecture , and by the future users of the places project , buyers , interested in the full enjoyment of housing and living environments .
Recently, with the advent of the economic crisis and the implications it has had acting within the building , Elisabetta turned with interest to the field of renewable energies , measuring and developing considerable expertise in the field of licensing of facilities for the production of energy electrical and thermal biomass power , including vegetable oil and animal fats , for which the machine bureaucratic authorization presented characters of extreme complexity .
For the purposes of environmental protection, in fact , such facilities are subject to compliance with numerous regulations and are vetted by many organizations, called in the authorization process to give its assent to the implementation of interventions . All environmental aspects are dissected and examined, as well as those of an energy functional , so as to strike the right balance between the production machine useful and environmentally friendly , perfectly in line with the recently advocated for any design, be it architectural type and industrial.
The work in the field of renewable energy , which is currently still developing, as well as giving Elisabetta extreme knowledge of the mechanism of environmental design , and complexity that every action carries with it , Elisabetta approached the field of plant design purely technical, engineering , much to procure partnerships in the context of contracts for the design of electrical and thermo- mechanical .
This has resulted in a huge effort to adapt to the required precision , the need to identify the right technology for the building in question , and much more that an architect, in spite of an engineer, is not accustomed to see , or to regard it invested a different role, that of presenting a building to its context and not to do "work" in the strictest sense of the term.
But the effort has served to understand the enormous complexity of the car plant that lies behind the walls of a building, be it an apartment or a commercial center, and is served mainly to mature in a sense of completeness when Elisabetta stands in front any challenge or project , the meaning of " mink together," the fact that every room is full and satisfying only when every aspect is considered and disclosed .